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If you’ve not yet heard of The Peeks, a young folk-rock band from the burbs of Melbourne, check this out. It’s the film clip for ‘Little Black Dog’, a track off of their latest EP. The clip was shot in a rather aesthetically pleasing location hidden away in the rurals of country Victoria. It’s an […]
Benny you little legend! Most of this footage has been sitting dormant for the last four or more years and, up until recently, before receiving a letter – which, yes, do still exist – and a CD which read something along the lines of ‘Benny Reed is in a band, The Single Fins, and this […]
Have you ever wondered how long it would take to fill 104 pairs of lightweight cotton dress socks with 9B grey lead pencils? Me neither, but I’d happily devote an equivalent amount of time to watching Cousin Lawrence’s music act JULY DAYS at work! ELECTRIC LOVE, from their new album LIGHTBULB MOMENTS. Check it […]
The Wolf from Roebeeh Productions on Vimeo.
It reminds me of my interrupted walks home from the school bus stop as a youngster… being lured into the strange old ladies home up the road with promises of sweets, lizards, scary movies & other eye widening delights, only to be fed – in some depth, […]
I bring you here a story of unyielding love. A love possessed by one man for his sole-ful companions. A love so bountiful it would appear forever indestructible. I bring you, Pesty & his Birkenstocks!